Gas emergency 0 800 028 800
We can offer you several different types of transport and storage product and service, to facilitate access to our infrastructure, and to manage your capacity reservations and exchanges as tightly as possible, particularly in the Trading Region France (TRF) marketplace.
We have rolled out a full offer of additional products and services to meet all your needs, particularly in terms of flexibility.
We offer fixed and interruptible transport capacities for our shipper
customers, on the main grid and the regional grid.
To support our customers and give them flexibility in their operational activities, we
offer additional services to supplement our transport products.
We offer three storage products with different draw-off rates, to match all the needs of our shipper-storage customers.
We offer eight additional services to supplement our storage products, to support our customers and give them greater flexibility in their operational activities.
Evidence of our dedication to continuous improvement can be found in the satisfaction
survey conducted across all our shipper customers every two years. In particular, we ask
them how happy they are about their relationship with us, and seek their views on the
flexibility of our offer to them. In the 2019 survey, 98% said they were satisfied.
Gabriel André
Mob.: +33 (0)7 88 52 32 13
Fabien Duffau
Mob.: +33 (0)6 82 51 32 24
Fabrice Conques
Port. : +33 (0)6 25 39 11 87