Investor, download Teréga’s presentation

Investor, download Teréga’s presentation

As a key regional and national player in the energy market, we have built up more than 75 years’ expertise in the development and operation of gas transport and storage infrastructures.

The central link in a chain that connects energy producers to energy consumers, our infrastructures are essential for the security of supply to private individuals and businesses alike. Historically located in the south-west region, we have more than 5,000 km of pipelines and 2 underground storage facilities, representing 16% of the French gas transport grid and 24.5% of national storage capacity respectively.

Located at the crossroads of major European gas flows, we occupy a key strategic position in a greater Europe of energy. We use this asset to ensure the fluidity of European gas markets and meet our commitments, in particular that of accelerating the energy transition.

Since the creation of the Trading Region France (TRF) at the end of 2018, we have been operating in a single, interconnected, more attractive and more competitive market area.

In 2019, our transport activity will post a turnover of €339 million; our storage activity a turnover of €161 million. Our total capital expenditure amounted to €145 million in 2019, including €101 million for the Transport activity (€101 million) mainly allocated to network development, modernisation, safety and maintenance of our infrastructures.
For the Storage activity, investments (€44 million) mainly correspond to projects for modernisation, security and maintenance of infrastructures.

Our ambition is to support the transition of the French economy towards carbon neutrality by 2050. For several years now, this has led us to develop innovative solutions capable of creating tomorrow’s energy models. Convinced of the place and indispensable role of gas, we are investing, among other things, in the biomethane and hydrogen sectors in order to accelerate the energy transition at reasonable costs.