Diverse profiles, an incomparable source of energy

Diverse profiles, an incomparable source of energy

In a changing world, diverse profiles and equal opportunities are sources of enrichment and innovation. To devise new energy models, Teréga draws upon a diversified pool of skills, where everyone can commit to meeting tomorrow’s challenges.

Teréga is committed to facilitating access to employment

Fostering diversity in the company means opening up to different visions that move towards a common goal: imagining tomorrow’s energy world, both in its societal and environmental dimensions. This is why we make diversity of profiles a strong marker of our ability to open up new perspectives and innovate for the good of all.

For us, diversity is synonymous with inclusion while respecting everyone’s differences. It encompasses gender diversity, physical and social diversity, but also cultural or generational diversity. Teréga is committed through many actions to include in its skill base people who are far from employment because of their condition, their disability or their social environment. These actions reflect our willingness to assume our role as a responsible regional company, a stakeholder in the economic and social development of our employment basin.

  • Social inclusion

We make inclusion a major issue of social cohesion, internally and externally. We are engaged in several actions, including

- France, an opportunity: businesses for an inclusive society. Teréga shares its best practices with this network of companies to create a regional emulation in favour of inclusion.

- Pact with districts for businesses (PAQTE): Teréga is committed to helping people who are socially excluded through unemployment to facilitate their access to the recruitment processes of the region’s companies.

- Training of young people on sandwich courses: Teréga regularly trains young apprentices in the gas industry, with a view to integrating them after their apprenticeship.

  • Disability

Teréga has always pursued a policy of supporting and maintaining the employment of people with disabilities. In order to enable the employees concerned to perform their mission under the best possible conditions, workstations are fitted out according to requirements. In addition, working hours can be adjusted to facilitate access to care.

Teréga is continuing its actions to promote inclusion through the work of people with disabilities beyond its own company. We are signatories of the Charter of the National Union of Adapted Enterprises (UNAE), and partners of several Establishments and Services of Assistance through Work (ESAT).  

Teréga supports Handisport

Billère Handball Pau Pyrénées has opened a Handensemble section that welcomes 15 adults aged 28 to 50 years old, with mental disabilities. Since 2016, they have formed a fully fledged team of the club, holding the Sport Handicap label, which guarantees appropriate teaching and support. Our partnership with the club should notably allow the team to travel and compete against other disabled teams of an equivalent level.

BHB Handensemble team

Gender equality

Although promoting parity in the workplace is possible, it is sometimes difficult to implement this in certain sectors of activity. The industrial professions, which are historically male, have difficulty recruiting women to technical positions. At Teréga, 52% of women are represented in support functions and only 13% in operational functions. This is why we are drawing up an action plan to raise women’s awareness of our operational professions, which are often little-known and represent the jobs of the future. We are considering partnerships with organisations that can help women discover industrial jobs and support them in training or recruitment processes.

Digitalisation, an innovative inclusion tool

Teréga makes developing digital technologies a key to strong social inclusion. Indeed, digital technology makes it possible to erase differences, be they physical or social, and thus to open the doors of companies to the unemployed, disabled or people with atypical backgrounds. The development of digital skills is also a necessary condition today to support the transformation of professions and therefore the economic development of our regions. To encourage the digitalisation of the players in the regions we operate in, we initiated the Pyrénées Cloud Academy programme in partnership with the Campus d’Enseignement Supérieur de Pau (CESI). This training programme for new Cloud and DevOps activities aims to promote the development of digital skills in the local network to strengthen its capacity for inclusion and innovation.