Get to know Teréga with a few key indicators

Get to know Teréga with a few key indicators

Learn about our business model through our essential key figures.

Financial indicators

The turnover for the Transport business, €339 million, achieved growth of around 5% compared to 2018. This result is linked to the increase in authorised income due to the investments put in place and the increased capacity subscriptions, particularly at the inter-connection point with Spain.

The turnover for the Storage business, €161 million, is up by around 4.5% compared to 2018, thanks to the increase in authorised income due to the investments put in place.

Our investments for 2019 totalled €145 million.

For the Transport business (€101 million), the investments concerned development of the network and the modernisation, safety and maintenance of our infrastructures.

For the Storage business, the investments totalled €44 million and correspond primarily to modernisation projects, safety and infrastructure maintenance.

Market indicators

5,135 km of transport pipelines
6.5 Gm3 of total gas storage capacity
156,771 GWh of gas transported
27,498 GWh consumed in the Teréga zone (industrial + public distribution)
33,100 GWh of subscribed storage capacity, i.e. 100% of available capacity

65 transport shippers
19 storage shippers
113 industrial customers
152 public distributions
2 biomethane injection stations
98% of satisfied customers (2019 Shipper and Industrial Customer Survey)

Human resources indicators

653 employees
89 new hires (permanent and fixed-term contracts)
• Feminisation rate : 26,9 %
41 study contracts : 35 work-study contracts and 6 apprenticeship contracts
93% of employees trained
• Commitment index of 7.3/10
• Teréga TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate): 1.1

73 (2020 index based on) 2019 79 for the previous year

The findings for 2019 are very strongly linked to the context of the transformation of the Company, which has generated individual measures oriented towards a predominantly male population within Operations. Accordingly, the continuation of Teréga’s actions and practices should see us return to a more favourable index over the coming years.

Other indicators


ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 50001 (energy management) certifications
0.8 teqCO2/GWh transported*

* Calculated with GWP (Global Warming Potential) for methane = 34.

Research and Innovation

• Approximately 60 employees integrated into the R&I network
• Average annual R&I budget: €5 million
• Approximately 45 ongoing R&I projects